विरोधी खरोंच, विरोधी फिंगरप्रिंट, विरोधी विस्फोट, उच्च पारदर्शी, विरोधी सदमे, पूर्ण गोंद, गंदगी के लिए प्रतिरोधी, पूर्ण कवरेज, विरोधी-तेल, जलरोधक, अति पतली, बुलबुला मुक्त, HD स्पष्ट
Retail pack,do not include cleaning accessories. Please Attention: IF you need cleaning accessories, Please choose "Seller's Shipping Method" for the logistics service because A libaba logistics does not support alcohol, but the cleaning bag contains alcohol. If you choose A libaba's logistics, the retail pack will do not include a cleaning bag.