विज्ञापन प्रकाशित, खुदरा स्टोर, शॉपिंग मॉल, व्यंजन का प्रदर्शन, आपका स्वागत है प्रदर्शन, स्वयं-सेवा व्यापार, प्रदर्शनी हॉल, Wayfinding, हवाई अड्डे, मेट्रो, लिफ्ट, रेस्तरां और होटल की आपूर्ति, शिक्षा, चिकित्सा उपचार
LEDFUL Indoor GOB Project in the USA, Model: IF2.5-GOB, CUBE2.5, LPoster Plus2.5, Screen area: total 70sqm. On this project, the end user want to buy the screens for night club advertising and decorating, so they found LEDFUL and talked details. LEDFUL provided one-stop solution and online 7/24 technical support to help install and use the screen. After this happy cooperation, the client also became a LED screen expert. And he bought other screens again and again, now became our VIP customer.